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Leadership & Management Apprenticeships


Dedicated to creating better led and managed organisations Innersummit has partnered with CMI to support employers, apprentices and learning providers in the delivery of leadership and management apprenticeships.

Working closely with employers and providers, CMI, as the professional body for management and leadership, has helped shape a new suite of apprenticeships to provide a progression pathway for the development of both new and existing managers.

Executing The Best Results In Business

Apprenticeships For Professionals With CMI Qualifications In Management & Leadership

Innersummit provides a dynamic learning environment with state of the art online learning resources, alongside a strong and personal learning experience for each learner.

Inspiring Resources

Apprentices gain access to contemporary leadership resources that are accessible and user-friendly, making portfolio building straightforward, having an immediate impact on business needs.

Innovative Delivery

Using workshops, lunch n learns or Future Learning Outside WOrkshop (FLOW) sessions, skills/behaviours/knowledge are embedded within the workplace.

Influential Learning Coach

Our team are expert in mentoring and coaching. Setting stretching goals and supporting apprentices throughout their program.

Unique To CMI Apprenticeships

All Apprentices Benefit From

  • CMI membership
  • Access to online learning support
  • CMI mentoring, networking and career support
  • Professional development

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