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Organisational Development

We Are Specialists In Developing The Organisation To Achieve It’s Goals


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We Create Real-Time Analytics For HR / OD Professionals

Operations, Personnel, Team Building, and Scaling Up

We create real-time analytics for HR/OD professionals to create robust OD plans that can be executed throughout the organisation. We leverage HR expertise and knowledge to question assumptions; help surface non-obvious problems/issues; diagnose barriers/enablers to execution; and manage change effectively.

Our Approach To OD

Frequently Asked Questions

What Is Organisational Development
Organisation development specialists play a critical role in working with line leaders and HR practitioners to develop the organisation to achieve its goals. The specialists have expertise in navigating complexity to unpick what the organisation is trying to achieve; diagnose underlying issues, challenges, opportunities; and to select the best approaches to develop the organisation moving forward. Employees are often at the centre of changes to the organisation that follow and HR practitioners need to have a solid understanding of the relationship between organisation development, organisational strategy and the HR agenda. They should leverage their HR expertise and knowledge of the organisation to question assumptions, help surface non-obvious problems/issues; diagnose barriers/enablers to execution; and manage change effectively
What Is The Value Of Organisational Development To My Company?
OD is a process used to develop healthy, high-performance, self-renewing organisations and successfully manage change and can be used at all levels of an organisation.
Why Do I Need An External OD Consultant
In all instances, organizations need a skilled person doing the above approaches and using other OD tools. They may sound simple but a skilled interviewer, facilitator and developer of instruments is required and this is often a very difficult competency to find internal to the organization.

Finally, the analysis (determining the gap from where the organization is to where the organization wants to go) must also be in the hands of someone who is experienced in this work. If the organization is to change, the analysis and recommended interventions to bring about organizational change, must be in the hands of a skilled expert.

The OD consultant must also use appropriate and excellent communication techniques to help the organization understand and operate on the data collected. This is therefore, the work of an organizational development consultant.

What Are Some Of The Interventions That Are Used?

Once the organizational need is determined and the gap established, then the OD practitioner is ready to design the appropriate interventions. These include a variety of methods and programs. One or more of the following, among others, may be considered;

  • Team building for effectiveness and high performance
  • Strategy planning and development
  • Intergroup Problem Solving
  • Facilitation for development
  • Future Search
  • Goal Setting
  • Whole system performance management
  • Executive Coaching
  • OD Process Consulting
  • Curriculum Development
What Are Some Of The OD Diagnostic Tools Used?
The effective solution of organizational problems is dependent on a thorough diagnosis. To collect data for an organizational scan, needs assessment or some form of data collection, the following may be used alone or in combination; Interviews, Focus Groups, interview process, Questionnaire, Multi-rater instrument, and analytical tools like Innersummit’s 3B Indicator.

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